The Coalition is working with healthcare and public health partners across the Metro region to respond to the COVID19 pandemic. If you have a PPE request, need for PPE education, or request for COVID testing at your facility, see below for further information.
After Action Report/Improvement Plans
AAR Phase 2 – Powerpoint Summary (PDF)
Metro Region COVID 19 AAR – April 2021 (PDF)
Final Metro Region COVID 19 AAR – July 2020 (PDF)
COVID19 Resources
Because this situation is changing so rapidly we recommend that you reference guidance on the MDH and CDC Websites.
MDH has an excellent website for self-care and behavioral health resources
Self-Care and applying Psychological First Aid for COVID-19 Responders (YouTube: 13:56 minutes)
Provides the healthcare responder with just-in-time training on responder stress during COVID-19, and provides stress management strategies that should be implemented now to protect our healthcare workforce.
Tips for Social Distancing, Quarantine, and Isolation during an Infectious Disease Outbreak (PDF)
Staff Wellness Resources
Covid Fatigue one pager Metro Coalition
PSYCH PPE one pager Metro Coalition
Taking Breaks One Page Metro Coalition
Compassion Fatigue One Page Metro Coalition
Graditude One Page Metro Coalition
Leading Crisis One Page Metro Coalition
Long Term Resilience One Page Metro Coalition
Stress Continuum One Page Metro Coalition
Support Buddy One Page Metro Coalition
Relaxation One Page Metro Coalition
Moral Injury One Page Metro Coalition
Managing Burnout One Page Metro Coalition
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Request
If you are unable to obtain PPE through your typical supply chain channels, you may submit a request for supplies below. The supplies are being distributed by the State Emergency Operations Center from a cache of State Supplies.
Report a Resource Request
PPE Request Process
PPE Vendor List
COVID19 Testing at Congregate Care Settings
As the State begins to roll out comprehensive testing in congregate care settings across Minnesota, you may complete a survey that will provide additional insight into your testing needs.
Who should complete this survey:
- Skilled Nursing and Assisted Living facilities
- If you are in need of testing supplies or a mobile testing team
- If you are testing in-house or bringing
Volunteers and Donations
We are grateful for your desire to help in Minnesota during this challenging situation. If you want to volunteer or donate items pleas use these email addresses:
- Volunteer offers (people)
- Offers of products, medical equipment, venues (from businesses, schools & universities, medical facilities) make sure to forward the offer or direct folks to: hsem.ppp@state.mn.us